Tag Archives: hiemt machine

How to lose fat with EMSlim?

EMSlim is non-invasive treatments that primarily focus on strengthening and toning muscles rather than directly targeting fat loss. While they can help improve muscle definition and contribute to a more sculpted appearance, they are not specifically designed for fat reduction. However, there are ways to incorporate these treatments into a broader strategy for losing fat […]

what is emslim machine and how to use emslim

The EMSlim machine is a medical device used for the EMSlim procedure, which is a non-invasive body contouring and muscle-toning treatment. The machine delivers high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate strong and rapid muscle contractions in the targeted area of the body. These contractions are more intense and frequent than what can be achieved […]

what is the hiemt and how to work with hiemt machine?

PRINCIPLE Using HI-EMT (High Energy Focused Electromagnetic Wave) technology to continuously expand and contract autologous muscles and carry out extreme training to deeply reshape the internal structure of the muscle,that is, the growth of muscle fibrils (muscle enlargement) and produce new protein chains and muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia), so as to train and increase muscle […]